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南帕萨迪纳(South Pasadena)

南帕萨迪纳(South Pasadena)是美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶县的一座城市.


General Stats:

Total Population: 24292
Male:11272 (46%)
Female:13020 (53%)


18+ years old male: 8546
18+ years old female:10258
65+ years old male: 1126
65+ years old female:1646


25+ years old total:17064
25+ years old less than 9th grade: 305 (1%)
25+ years old 12th grade w/ no degree:785 (4%)
25+ years old with HS degree: 1772 (10%)
25+ years old with some college:3366 (19%)
25+ years old with associated degree: 1259 (7%)
25+ years old with bachelor degree:5311 (31%)


Median household income: 55728
Median family income:72039
Per capital income:32620


Total family households: 6003
Total non-family households:4474
Avg household size:2.3
Avg family size:3.05


Total housing units: 10850
Total occupied housing units:10477
Total vacant housing units: 373
Owner occupied housing units:4625
Renter occupied housing units: 5852
Median rooms in housing units:4.6
Median home value of owner occupied units:383600

Married Status:

15+ years old total: 19839
15+ years old never married: 6523 (32%)
15+ years old married but separated: 9765 (49%)
15+ years old seperated: 316 (1%)
15+ years old widowed: 1116 (5%)
15+ years old divorced: 2119 (10%)


16+ years old total:19456
16+ in labor force: 13475 (69%)
16+ not in labor force: 5981 (30%)
16+ workers: 12736 (65%)
16+ workers that commute alone: 10217 (52%)
16+ workers that carpools: 1304 (6%)
16+ workers that use public trans: 140 (0%)
16+ workers that walk to work: 343 (1%)
16+ workers other means to work: 108 (0%)
16+ work at home: 624 (3%)
16+ mean travel time to work: 27.1 mins


Total white: 14653
Total black/african american: 738
Total american indian natives: 83
Total asian: 6456
Total native hawaii/pacific islanders: 20
Other races: 1257
Total two plus race: 1085
Total hispanic or latino: 3903
Total white along not hispanic or latino: 12344



截止 2000年人口普查,它的总人口为24292 人.

城市的种族构成为白人占60.32% ,

非洲裔占3.04%, 美洲原住民占0.34%,亚裔占26.58%,太平洋岛民占5.17%,其他种族占4.47%,由两个或两个以上的血统的占4.47%,西班牙裔或拉丁美洲裔占 16.07%。

在1875年现今的帕萨迪纳和南帕萨迪纳土地的所有者们重新更名他们占有的土地为帕萨迪纳. 在1888年2月帕萨迪纳的南部的部分成员为了获得更多的控制权,举行了重组投票的活动.在 1888年3月2日南帕萨迪纳成立当时人口只有500多人。面积与现今城市的面积一样,有8.91平方公里。南帕萨迪的第一任市长是威廉科利尔。想到南帕萨迪的历史,就会像想到考斯顿鸵鸟农场 , 费尔奥克斯药剂业及苏打喷泉和里亚托剧院在这段历史上所扮演的角色 .





依据居住位置,每户都有自己所属的公立学校,以下为南帕萨迪纳市所包括的公立小学,初中.( 注: API表示学术表现指数,就是将学生的整体成绩作为评价学校的整体水平。 API是在200-1000分之间。 Rating 最高分数是10分)
